Our Philosophy
Learning Today: Leading Tomorrow
We are passionate about enabling all of our students to become confident, creative and enquiring young children with the ability to excel at what they do. Students make significant contributions to the way the school is led and fully engage with the learning process,
accepting responsibility for their individual academic progression. We inspire, support and facilitate our students to make positive contributions to the wider community and society; now and in their future lives.

Our Mission
We believe in imparting an education system that is based on conscience and honesty, nurturing a rare breed of young minds that are bustling with self-confidence, motivation and are ever ready to take up challenges.

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a homely environment for the entire school community and provide education that will support to harness the potential of the students and making them global citizens.
Manaslu Public Secondary School aims to be
- An outstanding skill-based education system educating and enabling young children to achieve their personal best.
- A center of excellence that embraces and supports the local community.
- A stimulating teaching and learning environment in which each and every student feels safe and secure to fulfill their full optimum potential.
- An exceptional institution that meets physical and emotional requirements of all students irrespective of their ability, aptitude or ethnic background where students can enjoy their education.
- A school that offers a challenging and balanced curriculum from year 3 to year 16+ with broad range of academic and career related pathways, in addition to a variety of extra-curricular activities and experiences.
- A place where learners develop to have an understanding and appreciation of our natural environment, diversity and their pace in the global community.
- A reflective school with strong leadership at every level.

Naresh Shrestha
On behalf of Manaslu School, I am delighted to welcome you and your child. We are excited about the prospect of you joining our vibrant school community I’m happy to share our plans for the upcoming school year with you right here on our website for 2024/25. At Manaslu Public Secondary School, our main goal […]

Suchita Shakya
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Manaslu. We aim to off er the very best of academic instruction combining our state-of-the-art curriculum with the national curriculum. This is delivered in an environment emphasizing strong moral values, ethos, and cultural traditions. Getting children into school is one thing, educating them is quite another. The […]

J.B Dawadi
Manaslu School, in the heart of Kathmandu, is one of the leading and most sought schools imparting quality education at an aff ordable cost. As we complete 19 years of yeomen service, what comes to my mind is that “Success comes to those who work hard and stay with those who don’t rest on the […]
Hari Prasad Bhatta
Thank you for your interest in Manaslu School, as the Chairman I am delighted and privileged to share our ethos to enable and empower young people to discover their own unique potential. We believe each child’s individuality should be encouraged and developed and should have the right to receive a broad all rounded education to […]
School Gallery